CMF Clearinghouse


Winter 2019

The Winter 2019 edition of CMF Update is the 20th edition of the CMF Clearinghouse e-newsletter. To subscribe, please visit To view archived issues, please visit

In this issue:

Register Today for the Free FHWA CMF Clearinghouse Webinar!

CMF How-tos: Planning, Multiple Treatments and API – Oh My!
Monday, December 16, 2019 2:00-3:30 p.m. Eastern Time

Join transportation engineers, designers and planners from across the country to learn about recent updates to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) CMF Clearinghouse, resources on combining CMFs for multiple treatments, and how FHWA Federal Lands and the University of Connecticut are incorporating CMFs into their analysis and tools.

Continuing education: Attendees will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion for 1.5 hours that can be applied toward Professional Development Hours (PDH) credit, per State requirements.

Featured Resource: DDSA Crash Tree Tool

The DDSA Crash Tree Tool allows users to generate crash tree diagrams based on the NHTSA Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) or other crash datasets. Crash tree diagrams can be used as part of the systemic safety analysis process to help you identify and select the facility types where the focus crash types most frequently occur. The crash tree can have a number of different formats, depending on agency capabilities and data availability. The Systemic Safety Project Selection Tool includes additional information about the systemic safety analysis process, including examples of crash tree diagrams.

Featured CMFs

Install adaptive signal control
Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Value: 0.96 (for all crashes at 3- and 4-legged intersections)
Star Quality Rating: Description: 4 Stars

Install dynamic speed feedback sign
Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Value: 0.78 (for lane departure and roadway departure motorcycle crashes on horizontal curves)
Star Quality Rating: Description: 2 Stars

Install safety edge treatment with 1-2 ft. lane widening
Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Value: 0.51 (for all crashes)
Star Quality Rating: Description: 3 Stars

Submit a Study

The CMF Clearinghouse welcomes CMF study submissions to be included in its searchable database. If you wish to submit your CMF study, please email Karen Scurry at Be sure to search the Clearinghouse before submitting a new CMF as we may already have it listed. You may either send a link to a resource already existing on the web (preferred) or upload your own file. Submissions might include published research studies that are not presented in the Clearinghouse, or state-specific CMFs that were developed as part of the Highway Safety Improvement Program.