CMF Update, Winter 2015
The winter 2015 edition of CMF Update is the 12th edition of the Crash Modification Factors Clearinghouse e-newsletter. To subscribe, please visit
To view archived issues, please visit
Free FHWA CMF Clearinghouse Webinar - Register Today!
Real World Safety: The Benefits of Using CMFs to Predict and Prioritize
Tuesday, Dec. 8
2:30-4 p.m. Eastern
Join transportation engineers, designers and planners from across the country to learn about the most recent updates to the Federal Highway Administration’s CMF Clearinghouse, how to use CMFs in crash prediction models, and how two states are using CMFs in their project planning!
- Daniel Carter, manager of the CMF Clearinghouse, will begin with current and upcoming features of the Clearinghouse, demonstrate a search using filters, and discuss how star quality ratings are given.
- Frank Gross, highway safety engineer at Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc., will discuss how CMFs are used in crash prediction models, with special focus on the Highway Safety Manual.
- Stephen Read, safety engineer with Virginia DOT, will present on CMF development and application issues, specifically how Virginia DOT develops and uses planning level CMFs.
- Michael McNeill, safety engineer with Ohio DOT, will discuss how Ohio DOT uses CMFs in project prioritization.
Do you have questions about applying CMFs? Be sure to stay for the end of the session for a brief Q&A session!
Continuing education: Attendees will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion for 1.5 hours that can be applied toward Professional Development Hours (PDH) credit, per State requirements. This event has also been approved for 1.5 American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) credits.
Questions? Contact Daniel Carter at or Karen Scurry at for more information.
CMF Clearinghouse Website Reorganization
You may have noticed some changes to the CMF Clearinghouse recently! Take a look for yourself at You’ll notice that content is now organized into four main categories – About the CMF Clearinghouse, Using CMFs, Developing CMFs and Additional Resources. Our goal in reorganizing the website was to make resources easier to find and to make the website more user friendly. However, if there’s a resource you can’t find, let us know! Email Daniel Carter at
Featured CMFs
The CMF Clearinghouse is continually updated with new CMFs. Below are CMFs recently added to the Clearinghouse database.
Improve pavement friction (Chip Seal)
Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Value: 0.883
Star Quality Rating:
Install centerline and shoulder rumble strips
Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Value: 0.742
Star Quality Rating:
Convert diamond interchange to Diverging Diamond Interchange (DDI) or Double Crossover Diamond (DCD)
Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Value: 0.374
Star Quality Rating:
Install median barrier
Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Value: 3.25
Star Quality Rating:
Implement mobile automated speed enforcement system
Crash Modification Factor (CMF) Value: 0.799
Star Quality Rating:
Featured Resource: State Selected CMF Lists
Sometimes it can be helpful to see what specific CMFs states are choosing to use in their area. A new resource, State Selected CMF Lists, on the Clearinghouse website (that can be found by clicking “Additional Resources” on the main homepage navigation, then choosing “State Selected CMF Lists”) provides links to lists of state selected CMFs. These lists represent the CMFs that are being used in the respective state. Generally, the states compiled these lists so that there would be consistency in CMF use across their state. These CMFs were identified from the CMF Clearinghouse as well as other resources.
Submit a Study
The CMF Clearinghouse welcomes CMF study submissions to be included in its searchable database. Please use the provided form at to submit your study. Be sure to search before submitting a new CMF as it may already be listed. You may either submit a link to a resource already existing on the web (preferred) or upload your own file. Submissions might include published research studies that are not presented in the Clearinghouse, or state-specific CMFs that were developed as part of the Highway Safety Improvement Program.