CMF Update (enewsletter) Archives
CMF Update is a free, semiannual, online publication of the Crash Modification Factors (CMF) Clearinghouse. To receive CMF Update via email, please subscribe HERE.
- Register Now for Free FHWA CMF Clearinghouse Webinar (and 1.5 PDH Credits)
- New Domain, Same Great Resource
- Improved Filter Functionality
- Got State Selected CMFs?
- Safe System Project-Based Alignment Framework and Tool
- Application of CMFs in Transportation Impact Analysis
- Call for Data for Evaluations of Low-Cost Safety Improvements-Pooled Fund Study
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a Study
- RECAP: 2023 CMF Clearinghouse Annual Webinar
- Recent Updates: CMF Most Wanted List
- Recent Updates: Improved Filter Functionality
- New Tool: SPF-R Tool
- Reminder: State CMF List
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- Did you miss the CMF Clearinghouse Annual Webinar?
- Upcoming Change: New Domain and Website Improvements
- Upcoming Change: Comments on Older Studies That Did Not Explicitly Report CMFs
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- Register for the CMF Clearinghouse Webinar
- Recent Website Updates
- Coming Soon: A New Course from the National Highway Institute (NHI)
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- Cite the Site! Always Share the CMF ID When Referencing a Specific CMF
- Database Update: Improved Data Standards
- Did you miss the CMF Clearinghouse Annual Webinar?
- Featured Resource: State Selected CMF Lists
- Highway Safety Manual Second Edition (HSM2) Implementation Pooled Fund Study
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- Register for the CMF Clearinghouse Webinar
- New CMF Clearinghouse Rating System
- Featured Resource: FHWA Proven Safety Countermeasures 2021 Update
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- CMF Clearinghouse Rating System Transition
- Resource: Countermeasure Service Life Guide
- Resource: Selecting Projects and Strategies to Maximize HSIP Performance
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- Upcoming CMF Clearinghouse Rating System Transition
- Missed the CMF Clearinghouse Annual Webinar
- Featured Resource: Data-Driven Safety Analysis How-To Guides
- Recent Website Updates: State SPF Calibration Efforts Summary and State Selected CMF Lists
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- CMF Clearinghouse Facelift
- Featured Resource: Roadway Safety Analysis Videos for CMFs
- New feature: Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) Tags for TSMO related CMFs
- Upcoming CMF Clearinghouse Rating System Changes
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- Register for the CMF Clearinghouse Webinar
- Featured Resource: DDSA Crash Tree Tool
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- New feature: Data extracts in XML and XLS formats.
- Featured Resource: Draft Final Report from NCHRP 17-63
- Featured Resource: Capacity Analysis for Planning of Junctions (CAP-X) Tool
- Featured Resource: Safety Performance for Intersection Control Evaluation (SPICE) Tool and User Guide
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- Register Today for the Free FHWA CMF Clearinghouse Webinar!
- Featured Resource: NHI Developing Quality CMFs course (spring)
- Featured CMFs
- Submit a study
- Featured resource: Crash Costs for Highway Safety Analysis
- Missed the Webinar?
- Featured CMFs
- Featured FAQ: How can I refer to a specific CMF in the Clearinghouse?
- Submit a study
- Register for the free webinar on December 12!
- Conversion to KABCO severity scale
- Featured CMFs
- Featured resource: CMF Clearinghouse User Guide
- Featured FAQ: Who uses CMFs and how are they used?
- Submit a study
- Featured CMFs
- Featured resource: Synthesis of Countermeasure Costs
- Featured FAQ: Why do some CMFs show an increase in crashes?
- Submit a study
- Free FHWA CMF Clearinghouse Webinar – Register Today!
- Featured CMFs
- Featured resource: Scale and Scope of Safety Assessment Methods in the Project Development Process
- Featured FAQ: How do I choose between CMFs in my search results that have the same star rating but different CMF values?
- Submit a study
- Register Today for an August TRB Webinar!
- Interested in comparing CMFs side by side? Try the new CMF Comparison Tool
- Featured CMFs
- Featured Resources: Summary of State SPF Calibration and Development Effort and Summary of State-Adapted HSM Part C Spreadsheet Tools
- Free FWHA CMF Clearinghouse Webinar -- Register today!
- CMF Clearinghouse Website Reorganization
- Featured CMFs
- Featured Resource: State Selected CMFs List
- Submit a Study
- Featured CMFs
- Featured resources:
- CMF Clearinghouse User Guide
- Synthesis of Countermeasure Service Life and Crash Severity Cost User Guide
- Summary of State SPF Calibration and Development Efforts as of July 2014
- Featured FAQ: When applying two countermeasures at the same location, why would you ever multiply CMFs from both countermeasures?
- Submit a study
- New FWHA CMF Clearinghouse webinar -- Register today!
- Featured CMFs
- Featured resource: Application of Crash Modification Factors course
- Featured FAQ: How is the star quality rating different from the notations in the HSM?
- Submit a study
- New Clearinghouse features make searching more efficient
- Featured CMFs
- Featured resource: Tips for building high-quality CMFs
- Featured FAQ: How do the Clearinghouse crash severity terms relate to the KABCO injury scale?
- Submit a study
- CMF Clearinghouse webinar -- Register today!
- Featured CMFs
- Featured resource: Countermeasures that Work
- Featured FAQ: How can I refer to a specific CMF in the Clearinghouse?
- Submit a study
- Clearinghouse launches improved search tool
- Featured CMFs
- Featured resource: CMFs in Practice
- Featured FAQ: How are CMFs added to the Clearinghouse and what is the process for review?
- Submit a study
- Free CMF Clearinghouse webinar – register today!
- Focus groups identify potential improvements to CMF Clearinghouse
- Featured CMFs
- Featured FAQ: How are states using the CMF Clearinghouse?
- CMFs in Practice
- Featured CMFs
- Featured Resource: Updated NHI Course on Science of CMFs
- Featured FAQ: How do I choose between CMFs in my search results that have the same star rating but different CMF values?
- Featured CMFs
- Featured Resource: New Guide on Developing CMFs
- Featured FAQ: Who uses CMFs and how are they used?
- Featured CMFs
- Featured Resource: Highway Safety Manual Part C Quick Reference Guide
- Featured FAQ: How can I download CMFs from the Clearinghouse?
- Featured CMFs
- Featured Resource: SafetyAnalyst
- Featured FAQ: How can I apply multiple CMFs?
- CMF-Related Trainings Available through NHI
- Featured Resource: Highway Safety Manual
- Featured FAQ: What's the Difference between an CRF and a CMF?