Study Details

Study Title: Non-intersection-related Crashes at Mid-block in an Urban Divided Arterial Road with High Truck Volume

Authors: Lee et al.

Publication Date: JAN, 2011

Abstract: This study analyzes the crashes that occur at mid-block called "mid-block crashes" in an urban arterial road. The association of mid-block crashes with various factors was examined using the 7-year (2000-2006) crash data on a section of a divided arterial road in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. To account for difference in traffic volume and road geometric factors between two directions of travel in a divided road, the data were collected for two directions separately. The results of log-linear models using these bidirectional data show that mid-block crashes are more likely to occur on the road sections with access point and high percentage of truck (> 20%). It was also found that the effects of access point and truck percentage were not statistically significant when the unidirectional data were used. A sensitivity analysis was also performed to identify the bidirectional variables affecting crash frequency by direction. It was found that the difference in truck percentage between two directions can most effectively reflect the difference in crash patterns by direction. The results of logistic regression models show that median opening, driver age/gender, lighting, time of day and day of week are associated with different types of crashes classified by the vehicles involved in crashes. The study shows the importance of analyzing mid-block crashes using the bidirectional data by vehicle type in urban divided arterial roads with high truck volume.

Study Citation: Lee, C., Xu, X., and Nguyen, V, "Non-intersection-related Crashes at Mid-block in an Urban Divided Arterial Road with High Truck Volume." Presented at the 90th Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., (2011).

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Access management

Countermeasure: Absence of access points

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
0.56443 StarsAllAllPrincipal Arterial OtherUrban