Study Details

Study Title: Puffin Pedestrian Crossing Accident Study

Authors: Maxwell et al.

Publication Date:  2011

Abstract: Puffin facilities were developed to replace Pelican crossings at mid-block sites and farside pedestrian signals at junctions. Research has shown that compared to existing pedestrian signal facilities, Puffin facilities can reduce both driver and pedestrian delay at junctions, and improve pedestrian comfort (particularly for older pedestrians and those with impaired mobility). Previous research has also indicated safety benefits. The aim of this study was to quantify the safety benefit. Accident data was analysed from 50 sites (40 mid-block crossings and ten junctions) that had been converted to Puffin facilities from Pelican crossings and farside pedestrian signals at junctions. The sites had no other significant changes in layout or operation, and were in general conformance with current DfT Puffin guidance. The results of the on-street inspection are reported. Statistical analysis was undertaken by using a generalised linear model which included time trends and seasonal factors. "Before" and "after" conversion accident data was paired together for each site, negating any biases for particular site factors. Mid-block Puffin crossings were shown to be safer than Pelican crossings with a mean reduction in personal injury accident frequency of 17%, statistically significant at the 5% level. The accident frequency reduction for the combined sample including junctions was 19%, statistically significant at the 5% level.

Study Citation: Maxwell, A., Kennedy, J., Routledge, I., Knight, P., and Wood, K. "Puffin Pedestrian Crossing Accident Study." Transport Research Laboratory, Berkshire, United Kingdom, (2011).

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Pedestrians

Countermeasure: Convert Pelican crossing or farside pedestrian signal to Puffin crossing

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
0.81193 StarsAllK,A,B,CNot SpecifiedNot specified
0.74262 StarsAllK,A,B,CNot SpecifiedNot specified
0.83173 StarsAllK,A,B,CNot SpecifiedNot specified
0.76243 StarsVehicle/pedestrianK,A,B,CNot SpecifiedNot specified
0.61392 StarsVehicle/pedestrianK,A,B,CNot SpecifiedNot specified
0.78222 StarsVehicle/pedestrianK,A,B,CNot SpecifiedNot specified
0.84163 StarsAngle,Cross median,Day time,Dry weather,Fixed object,Head on,Left turn,Nighttime,Parking related,Rear end,Rear to rear,Right turn,Run off road,Sideswipe,Single vehicle,Speed related,Truck related,Vehicle/bicycle,Wet roadK,A,B,CNot SpecifiedNot specified