Study Details
Study Title: Safety effects of an extensive black spot treatment programme in Flanders-Belgium
Authors: De Pauw et al.
Publication Date: MAY, 2014
Abstract: Black spot management is a widely implemented measure to improve traffic safety. This study evaluates the safety effects of an extensive black spot programme that has been implemented in Flanders-Belgium. In total, around 800 black spots were selected, from which 134 locations, redesigned between 2004 and 2007, were included in this study. The adopted approach is an empirical Bayes before- and after study that accounts for effects of general trends and for the stochastic nature of crashes, including regression to the mean. Two different comparison groups were established. The analyses showed a decrease in the number of injury crashes of 24-27%, significant at the 1%-level. A separate analysis for crashes with serious or fatal injuries showed a decrease of 46-57%, also significant at the 1% level. The highest effects were found for the implementation of changes in the layout of priority controlled intersections and for the installation of traffic signals, which showed a decrease of respectively 42% and 35% in the number of injury crashes. Signalized intersections at which left-turn phasing was implemented resulted in a decrease of 22% in the number of injury crashes, changes in the layout leaded to a decrease of 11%.The conversion of intersections (both signalized and priority controlled) into roundabouts resulted in a decrease of 21% in injury crashes. The black spot programme generated a favourable effect on each of the road user categories (car occupants, moped riders, cyclists, motorcyclist, pedestrians and truck drivers).
Study Citation: De Pauw, E., S. Daniels, T. Brijs, E. Hermans, and G. Wets. "Safety effects of an extensive black spot treatment programme in Flanders-Belgium". Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 66, (2014) pp. 72-79.
CMFs Associated With This Study
Category: Intersection geometry
Countermeasure: Conversion of signalized intersection into single- or multi-lane roundabout
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.72 | 28 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
Countermeasure: Convert unsignalized intersection to roundabout
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.87 | 13 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
Countermeasure: Implement black spot treatment programme
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.76 | 24 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.81 | 19 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | Urban |
0.71 | 29 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | Suburban |
0.71 | 29 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.79 | 21 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.79 | 21 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.73 | 27 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.77 | 23 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.67 | 33 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.79 | 21 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.58 | 42 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
0.89 | 11 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
Category:Intersection traffic control
Countermeasure: Change left-turn phase to protected phasing on one or more approaches
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.78 | 22 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |
Countermeasure: Install a traffic signal
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.65 | 35 |  | All | A,B,C | Not specified | All |