Study Details

Study Title: Development of Safety Performance Measures for Urban Roundabouts in India

Authors: Anjana and Anjaneyulu

Publication Date: JAN, 2015

Abstract: Roundabouts, although considered as safe among the various intersection types, have seen an increasing crash rate over the years in India. Geometric design of a roundabout directly influences the driver's speed adoption and maneuvering behavior, and hence plays a vital role in its safety performance. Application of treatments at roundabouts by altering the geometric design requires careful safety evaluation before actual implementation. The present study identified the crash causes and devised safety performance measures for urban roundabouts located in the state of Kerala, India. Crash prediction models and crash modification factors (CMFs) are developed in this study for the safety assessment of geometric design features of roundabouts. Of the many models tried, the zero-inflated negative binomial regression model is the best model to predict the crash frequency of roundabout approaches. Geometric features of the central island, circulatory roadway, and approach roads are associated with the crash occurrence on roundabout approaches. CMFs are developed by a cross-sectional method and are useful for investigating the relationship between safety and geometric design features of roundabouts.

Study Citation: Anjana, S., and M. V. L. R. Anjaneyulu. "Development of Safety Performance Measures for Urban Roundabouts in India". Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 141, No. 1, (2015)

Study Report: Download the Study Report Document

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Intersection geometry

Countermeasure: Roundabout geometry

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
CMF Equation3 StarsAllAllNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation2 StarsAllONot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllAllNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllK,A,B,CNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllK,A,B,CNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllONot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllK,A,B,CNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllONot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllONot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllAllNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation2 StarsAllK,A,B,CNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllAllNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllK,A,B,CNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllAllNot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllONot specifiedUrban
CMF Equation3 StarsAllAllNot specifiedUrban