Study Details
Study Title: Evaluating the Safety Effectiveness of Restricted Crossing U turn (RCUT) Intersections
Authors: Mishra and Pulugurtha
Publication Date: JAN, 2021
Abstract: No Abstract Available.
Study Citation: Mishra, R., and S.S. Pulugurtha. "Evaluating the Safety Effectiveness of Restricted Crossing U turn (RCUT) Intersections". Presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Paper No. 21-03723, Washington, D.C., (2021).
Study Report: Download the Study Report Document
CMFs Associated With This Study
Category: Intersection geometry
Countermeasure: Convert intersection to restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT) intersection
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.301 | 69.92 | text text | All | All | Not specified | Rural |