Applicability |
Crash Type: | All |
Crash Severity: | A (serious injury),B (minor injury),C (possible injury) |
Roadway Types: | Principal Arterial Other |
Street Type: | |
Minimum Number of Lanes: | 3 |
Maximum Number of Lanes: | |
Number of Lanes Direction: | Both Directions |
Number of Lanes Comment: | Multi Lane |
Crash Weather: | Not specified |
Road Division Type: | Divided |
Minimum Speed Limit: | |
Maximum Speed Limit: | |
Speed Unit: | |
Speed Limit Comment: | |
Area Type: | Rural |
Traffic Volume: | Minimum of 20000 to Maximum of 60000 |
Average Traffic Volume: | |
Time of Day: | |
If countermeasure is intersection-based |
Intersection Type: | |
Intersection Geometry: | |
Traffic Control: | |
Major Road Traffic Volume: | |
Minor Road Traffic Volume: | |
Average Major Road Volume : | |
Average Minor Road Volume : | |