Study Details

Study Title: An Evaluation of Dynamic Curve Warning Systems in the Sacramento River Canyon

Authors: Tribbet, L., McGowen, P., and Mounce, J.

Publication Date:  2000


Study Citation: Tribbet, L., McGowen, P., and Mounce, J., "An Evaluation of Dynamic Curve Warning Systems in the Sacramento River Canyon." Sacramento, California Department of Transportation, (2000)

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Advanced technology and ITS

Countermeasure: Changeable Curve Speed Warning signs

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
1.13-131 StarAllAllPrincipal Arterial OtherRural
1.47-471 StarAllA,B,CPrincipal Arterial OtherRural
0.9821 StarAllOPrincipal Arterial OtherRural
1.31-311 StarSpeed relatedAllPrincipal Arterial OtherRural
0.29711 StarTruck relatedAllPrincipal Arterial OtherRural
201 StarSingle vehicle,Speed relatedPrincipal Arterial Other Freeways and ExpresswaysAll