Study Details
Study Title: Safety Evaluation of Median U-Turn Crossover-Based Intersections
Authors: Al-Omari et al.
Publication Date: 2020
Abstract: Alternative innovative designs for intersections were defined to enhance traffic operation and safety. Median U-turn (MUT) and restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT) intersections are among the types of alternative intersections that enable drivers to make left turn movements at median U-turn crossovers downstream of the main intersection. Recently, municipalities and transport agencies
have tended to implement these types of intersections. However, their effectiveness in crash reduction has not been adequately
determined in previous studies. This is because of the limited number of alternative intersections that were considered in
these studies. In addition, there was no consideration for the unusual new geometric design of these intersections. In this study, a safety evaluation was conducted while considering the new intersection-related areas at MUT and RCUT intersections to clarify and quantify their effectiveness in crash reduction. This study considered 73 MUT and 12 RCUT intersections. Two types of
MUT intersections were considered in this study. Crash modification factors for MUT and RCUT intersections were estimated
by using before–after and cross-sectional methods. The results indicated that MUT and RCUT intersections are safer than conventional intersections. MUT intersections are effective in reducing total, property damage only (PDO), rear-end, and opposite direction sideswipe crashes, although they significantly increase single-vehicle and non-motorized crashes. RCUT intersections
are effective in reducing fatal-and-injury, injury, head-on, and angle crashes. Findings of this research provide clear evaluation for decision makers about the effectiveness of MUT and RCUT intersections in crash reduction.
Study Citation: Al-Omari, M.M.A., M. Abdel-Aty, J. Lee, L. Yue, and A. Abdelrahman. "Safety Evaluation of Median U-Turn Crossover-Based Intersections". Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2674 (7), (2020) pp. 206-218.
Study Report: Download the Study Report Document
CMFs Associated With This Study
Category: Intersection geometry
Countermeasure: Convert intersection to median U-turn (MUT) intersection
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.633 | 36.7 |  | All | All | Not specified | Urban and suburban |
0.5984 | |  | All | O | Not specified | Urban and suburban |
1.38 | -38 |  | Single vehicle | All | Not specified | Urban and suburban |
1.4447 | -44.47 |  | Single vehicle | All | Not specified | Urban and suburban |
0.394 | 60.6 |  | Other | All | Not specified | Urban and suburban |
Countermeasure: Convert intersection to restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT) intersection
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.7632 | 23.68 |  | All | All | Not specified | Urban and suburban |
1.3079 | -30.79 |  | Single vehicle | All | Not specified | Urban and suburban |