Study Details

Study Title: Assessing the likelihood of secondary crashes on freeways with Adaptive Signal Control System deployed on alternate routes

Authors: Salek et al.

Publication Date: FEB, 2021

Abstract: Introduction: Reducing the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes will provide significant safety, operational and environmental benefits. This paper presents a method for assessing the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes with Adaptive Signal Control Systems (ASCS) deployed on alternate routes that are typically used by diverted freeway traffic to avoid any delay or congestion due to a freeway primary crash. Method: The method includes four steps: (1) identification of secondary crashes, (2) verification of alternate routes, (3) assessment of the likelihood of secondary crashes for freeways with ASCS deployed on alternate routes and non-ASCS (i.e. pre-timed, semi- or fully-actuated) alternate routes, and (4) investigation of unobserved heterogeneity of the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes. Four freeway sections (i.e., two with ASCS deployed on alternate routes and two non-ASCS alternate routes) in South Carolina are considered. Results and Conclusions: Findings from the logistic regression modeling reveal significant reduction in the likelihood of secondary crashes for one freeway section (i.e., Charleston I-26 E) with ASCS deployed on alternate route. Other factors such as rear-end crash, dark or limited light, peak period, and annual average daily traffic contribute to the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes. Furthermore, random-parameter logistic regression model results for Charleston I-26 E reveal that unobserved heterogeneity of ASCS effect exists across the observations and ASCS are associated with the reduction of the likelihood of freeway secondary crashes for 84% of the observations (i.e., primary crashes). Location of the primary crash on the freeway is observed to affect the benefit of ASCS toward freeway secondary crash reduction as the primary crash’s location determines how many upstream freeway vehicles will be able to take the alternate route. Practical Applications: Based on the findings, it is recommended that the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) considers deploying ASCS on alternate routes parallel to freeway sections where high percentages of secondary crashes are found.

Study Citation:

Related Citations: Salek, M. S., W. Jin, S. M. Khan, M. Chowdhury, P. Gerard, S. B. Basnet, M. Torkjazi, and N. Huynh. " Assessing the Likelihood of Secondary Crashes on Freeways with Adaptive Signal Control System Deployed on Alternate Routes". Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 76, (2021) pp. 314-326.

CMFs Associated With This Study

Category: Advanced technology and ITS

Countermeasure: Install an Adaptive Signal Control Systems (ASCS)

CMF CRF(%)QualityCrash TypeCrash SeverityRoadway TypeArea Type
0.52747.32 StarsOtherAllPrincipal Arterial Interstate