Study Details
Study Title: NCHRP Report 650 - Median Intersection Design for Rural High-Speed Divided Highways
Authors: Maze et al.
Publication Date: 2010
Abstract: This report describes common safety issues at median intersections on rural high-speed divided highways and presents innovative geometric and operational treatments for addressing those issues. Ten case studies illustrate how they have been applied in the field. The report includes recommendations for modifications to the AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" (Green Book) and the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD).
Study Citation: Maze, T., Hochstein, J., Souleyrette, R., Preston, H., Storm, R., "NCHRP Report 650: Median Intersection Design for Rural High-Speed Divided Highways." Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., (2010).
Study Report: Download the Study Report Document
CMFs Associated With This Study
Category: Advanced technology and ITS
Countermeasure: Install dynamic advance intersection warning system
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.3 | 70 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.38 | 62 |  | All | K | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.3 | 70 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.29 | 71 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.33 | 67 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.32 | 68 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.76 | 24 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.15 | 85 |  | Not specified | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.46 | 54 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | All | K | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.89 | 11 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.1 | 90 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.55 | 45 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.33 | 67 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
3.19 | -219 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.27 | 73 |  | Not specified | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
Category:Intersection geometry
Countermeasure: Convert four-leg intersection into two three-leg intersections
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.47 | 53 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.28 | 72 |  | All | K,A | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.6 | 40 |  | All | B,O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.6 | 40 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.57 | 43 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1 | 0 |  | All | K | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.75 | 25 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.4 | 60 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
2 | -100 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.67 | 33 |  | Not specified | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
Countermeasure: Install median acceleration lane
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
1.13 | -12.5 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.88 | 12.5 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.25 | -25 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.9 | 10 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.61 | 39 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.43 | -43 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.4 | 60 |  | Left turn | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.5 | 50 |  | Left turn | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.44 | 56 |  | Rear end | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1 | 0 |  | Sideswipe | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
4.67 | -367 |  | Not specified | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.77 | 23 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.56 | -56 |  | All | K | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.55 | 45 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.95 | 5 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.75 | 25 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.52 | 48 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.8 | 20 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.17 | -17 |  | Left turn | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.21 | 79 |  | Rear end | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
7 | -600 |  | Sideswipe | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.17 | -17 |  | Not specified | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
Countermeasure: Install offset right turn lane
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
1.02 | -2 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
2.78 | -178 |  | All | K | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.7 | 30 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.39 | -39 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.96 | 4 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.39 | -39 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.41 | -41 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.37 | -37 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.6 | 40 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | Left turn | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.94 | 6.15 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.41 | -41 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.47 | 53 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.31 | 69 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.47 | 53 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.47 | 53 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | Left turn | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | Rear end | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
3.67 | -267 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1 | 0 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
2.93 | -193 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.1 | -10 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
2.2 | -120 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
6.6 | -560 |  | Rear end | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
Countermeasure: Install positive offset left turn lanes
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.5 | 50 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.16 | 84 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.57 | -57 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.22 | 78 |  | Left turn,Rear end | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.37 | 63 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
2.62 | -162 |  | Not specified | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.67 | 33 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | All | K | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.35 | 65 |  | All | A,B,C | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.65 | -65 |  | All | O | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.24 | 76 |  | Left turn,Rear end | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
1.24 | -24 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.83 | 17 |  | Not specified | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
Countermeasure: Positive left-turn lane offset (left turn crashes)
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
0.15 | 85 |  | Left turn | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0 | 100 |  | Left turn | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
Countermeasure: Install improved advance freeway guidance signage
CMF | CRF(%) | Quality | Crash Type | Crash Severity | Roadway Type | Area Type |
1.07 | -7 |  | All | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
0.69 | 31 |  | Angle | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |
2 | -100 |  | Rear end | All | Principal Arterial Other Freeways and Expressways | Rural |